In the bustling city of Meowpolis, crime was rampant and fear ruled the streets. Out of the shadows emerged a feline vigilante, Batcat. Trained in the art of kitty-fu honed with purfect senses, Batcat protects the shadows. A young spirited mouse was saved by Batcat and together, Batcat and Mouse Wonder formed an unstoppable team, bringing justice to the streets of Meowpolis.
These stickers are printed on durable, high opacity adhesive vinyl which makes them perfect for regular use, as well as for covering other stickers or paint. The high-quality vinyl ensures there are no bubbles when applying the stickers.
• High opacity film that’s impossible to see through
• Fast and easy bubble-free application
• Durable vinyl
• 95µ density
Don't forget to clean the surface before applying the sticker.
Size guide
HEIGHT (inches) | WIDTH (inches) | |
3″×3″ | 3 | 3 |
4″×4″ | 4 | 4 |
5.5″×5.5″ | 5 ½ | 5 ½ |
15″×3.75″ | 3 ¾ | 15 |